“We needed to find solutions to a variety of issues whilst being a complex business, operating in a 24/7 environment. Stripe OLT listened and understood immediately the challenges we faced.”
Microsoft Threat Protection Engagement
Do you know how many phishing attacks your organisation has received? If employees are using the right password protocol? Whether personal data is being exposed? In short, is your organisation’s cloud environment as secure as you think it is?
Improve your security posture with a Funded Threat Protection Workshop
Threat Protection Workshop Highlights
Arrange a call with one of our team.
Why should I attend this Threat Protection workshop?
What to expect from this threat protection engagement?
What activities are involved in this threat protection workshop?
Taking a strategic approach, our technical consultant will guide you throughout the engagement, following the below process:
Pre-Engagement Call
Kick-off Meeting
Data Collection
Threats and Vulnerabilities Exploration
Results Presentation
Engagement Decommissioning
Book a workshop with one of our team.